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Tag: asset protection

Helping Loss Prevention Professionals in Their Time of Need

Over the years, our profession has always been generous in raising funds for many meaningful charities. But have we done everything we could to...

Watch Trends to Plan for the Future

Nobody can predict the future. We can look backward and at the present. We can hear about and see certain things that are already...

Get Set to Drive Sales (Sysrepublic)

Today's omni-channel environment is transforming retail, and asset protection is no exception. Following trends in self-checkout, mobile point-of-sale (POS), e-commerce, and a rise in creative...

FMI Asset Protection Conference 2016 Day 2

After a thank you to all the sponsors, Day 2 of the FMI Asset Protection Conference began with Libby Christman introducing James Kane, who...

Outplaced: Committing Loss Prevention Suicide?

This year I will turn sixty-six years old and intend to retire after over thirty-six years in academia, including thirty-three years at the University...

EMV: Not the End of Fraud, But a Helpful Tool

Fraud and cyber security have never been more on the forefront of asset protection professionals' list of things that keep them up at night...

Changing Roles and Challenges in Loss Prevention

Interviewee Bios Stacie Bearden Director of Asset Protection, Field The Home Depot Bearden is responsible for the field organization's theft and fraud including Home Depot's organized retail crime...

FMI 2016 Asset Protection Conference Off to a Great Start in Tucson

As the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) 2016 Asset Protection Conference got under way in Tucson on Tuesday, Scott Ziter, chairman for the FMI Asset...

Stretching Our Perspective Takes Career Development to Another Level

Today is the first day of FMI's 2016 Asset Protection Conference in Tucson, AZ! The agenda kicked off at 7:00 a.m. with a golf tournament...
Nate Frazier

Nate Frazier CPP, CFI, LPC named Vice President of Loss Prevention with Mattress Firm

Nate Frazier CPP, CFI, LPC was appointed Vice President of Loss Prevention at Houston-based Mattress Firm. Nate is the former Divisonal Vice President of...
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