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Tag: asset protection

loss prevention analytics

Modern Data Analytics

Retailers who have made the jump to modern data analytics solutions know that the retail industry has moved past being overwhelmed by too much...
Jack Trlica signature

Perspectives from Practitioners

We try to always write the articles in this magazine from the perspective of the loss prevention practitioner. Apart from the columns written by...
loss prevention duties, loss prevention data

Building an Unbreakable LP–IT Bond

Listening to loss prevention leaders discuss their relationships with information technology (IT) departments and offer advice for strengthening them can seem a bit like...
Sears asset protection

Building an Organization around Data and Technology

EDITORS NOTE: Scott Glenn, JD, LPC, is the chief security officer for Sears Holdings where he is responsible for asset and profit protection, safety...

Setting the Research Agenda

In the last edition of LP Magazine, we presented the findings from our first benchmark study, which focused on comparing practices and policies on...

LPM “Magpie” Awards: Applauding Excellence

The LPM team is privileged to have a front-row seat to the very best in the loss prevention industry, providing a unique opportunity to...
asset protection at Walmart

Making It Easier to Get It Right

Navigating the asset protection responsibilities at the world’s largest retailer requires patience, perspective, partnerships, and outstanding leadership. Mike Lamb, LPC, is the vice president...

Test, Do, Learn, and Share

Over the years, enterprise needs for supply-chain asset protection (SCAP) have undergone a transformation from lock-and-key security operations to more integrated supply-chain security and...

Neiman Marcus’ Gary Manson Remembered by Colleagues

The loss prevention industry lost one its strongest leaders with the passing of Gary Manson on February 17 at MD Anderson Cancer Center in...

What Would You Do if a Customer Had a Gun on His Hip?

Loss prevention practitioners today face long-standing yet persistent threats, such as employee theft and shoplifting, and increasingly contend with new ones ushered in by a more virtual world. As difficult as it is to combat these risks, they are fairly clear-cut. The battle lines are clearly drawn. LP’s mission is straightforward.
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