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Tag: asset protection

EyeOnLP: LPM’s Annual Meeting 2017

The LPM team, the Retail Industry Leadership Association’s (RILA) Asset Protection Leadership Council, and the Loss Prevention Foundation gathered in Nashville, TN, last month for their annual meetings.
loss prevention research council, loss prevention strategies

How to Win with Your Loss Prevention Strategies

Regardless of what your company sells, where you sell it, or your total store count, you as a loss prevention or asset protection professional...

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) Announces New Board Member

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) announced the selection of its newest board member to assist in governing and providing strategic direction for the Foundation...

2017 LP Magazine/RILA LPLC/Loss Prevention Foundation Meeting Recap

Nashville, TN, has long been known as a city of opportunity for countless singers and songwriters looking to make their mark on the music...

LPM’s Annual Meeting: Day 2 Update

Attendees at the LP Magazine annual meeting and members of the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) Asset Protection Leadership Council took things into high...

LP Magazine/RILA APLC Meeting in Full Swing in Nashville

Wednesday was a busy day for those in attendance at the 16th annual LP Magazine meeting in Music City, USA (also known as Nashville,...

Zebra Technologies and RILA Announce Strategic Partnership to Further Retail Innovation

Zebra Technologies has recently announced its strategic partnership with the Retail Industry Leaders Association’s (RILA) (R)Tech Center for Innovation. The partnership will focus on...

Woman Bystander Shoots Suspected Shoplifter

An active investigation is underway after police said a shoplifting suspect was shot in Knightdale, North Carolina, Monday evening.

 Police said they were investigating...

Ariel Deno appointed Director of Asset Protection with DFASS Group

Ariel Deno was named director of asset protection for Miami-based DFASS Group, a world class leader in duty free retail options for travelers including...

Nashville to Host this Year’s Loss Prevention Leadership Trifecta

The excitement is building in Nashville, Tennessee this week in anticipation of the back-to-back-to-back loss prevention leadership meetings that are taking place to support...
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