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Tag: asset protection

Retail Crime Prevention

Effective, Evidence-Based Retail Crime Prevention

Regardless of the protective progress retailers and solutions providers are making, thieves are still carrying off billions of dollars' worth of goods annually. While...


Check out EyeOnLP’s recap video of the INNOVISON 2018 event, an invitation-only conference for LP, AP, and safety professionals.
brand protection strategy

Fighting the Fakes: How to Build Your Brand Protection Strategy

A study by the Government Accountability Office, released in January, observes a shift in sale of counterfeit goods from "underground" or secondary markets, such...
Mat Schriner

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) Announces New Director of Operations

The Loss Prevention Foundation announced that Mathew Schriner, LPC, has been named as its director of operations, effective March 5, 2018. The appointment is...

Interview and Interrogation Training: Eyes Don’t Mean Lies

This week’s International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, has Chris Norris, CFI, director of WZ Europe and International...

People On the Move: March–April 2018

Nancy Orozco is now a regional LP representative at adidas. Jimmy Treuting was named SVP of sales and marketing at ADT Cybersecurity. Courtland Greer is now...
retail innovation trends, asset protection system

All Together Now

The giant course correction hitting retail now appears pointed squarely in one direction—toward technology. It was the sum and substance of presentations at the...
loss prevention requirements

The Three Amigos

Exemplifying the True Meaning of Solution Provider Partner: An Interview with Kevin Lynch, Mike Grady, and Rex Gillette

Offenders Adapt; So Must We

Whoa, what's that?! No way. That's a reaction we want from would-be offenders when thinking about initiating a crime attempt on our property. We're often...
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