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Tag: asset protection

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Solutions Snapshot: CAP Index

CAP Index helps security, loss prevention, and risk management professionals objectively measure, thoroughly analyze, and proactively manage locations, assets, and crime risks.

Solutions Snapshot: CAP Index

Solution providers offer a wide spectrum of mission-critical products and services designed to help meet the rising demands of the asset protection function and...

Interview and Interrogation Training: Why Victims Don’t Report

Here's one unfortunate reason: "If I work in a building with 500 people, surely somebody else will say something. It doesn't have to be me."

RILA Recognizes Profitect as Leader in Data Analytics, Industry Innovation

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) recently recognized Profitect, a leader in prescriptive analytics software, as a valuable strategic partner to the Association and...

Solutions Snapshot: DTiQ

DTiQ's customers are owners or operators that want to run a better store or restaurant. They have often been asked to do more with less while competing in a changing landscape. DTiQ supports customers by offering a managed service with minimal upfront costs that delivers smarter locations and superior results.

Solutions Snapshot: DTiQ

Solution providers offer a wide spectrum of mission-critical products and services designed to help meet the rising demands of the asset protection function and...
Tom Rittman

LPM Excellence Recognizes Tom Rittman for Partnerships

"Partnerships are best when you create solutions without limitations. We should always try to go above and beyond."

Interview and Interrogation Training: The Legality of Interviewing

If you're unfamiliar with any of these laws, or how your company or organization handles them, now would be a great time to visit that with your legal team or your human resources team to make sure everybody's on the same page.
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