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Tag: artificial intelligence

Leading-Edge LP: Tackling Theft and Fraud Through RFID, Video Surveillance, and More

In this report, explore the applications and benefits of five current and future technologies that are driving leading-edge loss prevention in retail.

How to Eliminate Shrink Caused by Returns

Retailers can reduce returns by aiming at preventing returns in the first place. But how can this be achieved?

LPF Hosting Webinar on Operationalizing AI for Risk Mitigation

Trends show that retailers face a double hit when cost-of-living pressures and inflation hit consumers; they spend less, and shrinkage goes up.

Face Matching Leads to Big Wins for Retailers

With a more educated consumer base and most of the controversial actors having gone under or changed practices, the face matching's true potential is becoming clear.

How to Execute a Successful Computer Vision Pilot

Several national retailers are investing heavily in AI pilots to support their asset protection and store security teams in dealing with the prominent issues caused by organized and disorganized retail crime.

Protecting Assets and Mitigating Vandalism with Video Analytics

Vandalism is not only difficult to prevent, but because it is difficult to catch perpetrators in the act, it too often incurs labor and repair costs for victims.

Ex-Hanwha SVP Ray Cooke Joins Dragonfruit AI

Cooke has over 25 years of experience in safety and security solutions at companies such as IBM and Cisco. Prior to joining Dragonfruit, he spent over 8 years at Hanwha Techwin America.

Prosegur Security Globally Launches Responsible AI

Prosegur Security, a global security provider, has launched a new Responsible Artificial Intelligence Policy in an effort to proactively decrease risks associated with AI use.

i-PRO Releases Mini AI-based Surveillance Camera

With a pocket-sized form factor and full complement of AI analytics functionality, the i-PRO mini represents the next generation of smaller, discreet smart cameras.

5 Ways AI Is Transforming the Retail Industry

If you haven’t hopped on the AI bandwagon, you may soon be left behind in the dust of this industry’s digital revolution and transformation.
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