Tag: about loss prevention
4 Ways You Can Commemorate 9/11
This year—2019—marks the eighteenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Rather than fading into a distant memory, however, the attacks and the aftermath are still very much present on the minds and in the hearts of those who lived through them. It's worth remembering.
Tips for Building a Better Resume: Use a Resume Format that Grabs and Holds...
When it comes to crafting a better resume, some of the most important features should focus on the basics. While it may seem to...
The Secret to a Winning Loss Prevention Team Culture
Whatever your core values are, the old truism remains accurate: employees don’t turn to statements on the company website to look for clues on how to behave; they look to each other.
Fundamental LP Knowledge
Sue Read's loss prevention career spans twenty-three years, starting as a part-time store detective with Value City department stores while earning her degree at...
Writing the Perfect Loss Prevention Resume
If you are thinking about writing your own resume (rather than using a professional resume writing service) to reflect the experience, accomplishments, and other...
A Lifetime of Learning
EDITOR'S NOTE: Chad McIntosh is the vice president of loss prevention and risk management for Bloomingdale's. He has more than forty years of loss...
Liberty Bell, Rocky, Independence Hall, Cheesesteak, and LPM
What to do this October in Philadelphia? Visit the Liberty Bell and see the crack in the bell. Visit the Museum of Art and...
Taking a Data-Centric Role to Add Value to Your Company
EDITOR'S NOTE: Dan Faketty is vice president of asset protection for Southeastern Grocers based in Jacksonville, Florida. Prior to moving into a leadership role...
Smart People Say Smart Things
In every issue of the print magazine since 2001a and now in our digital magazine LPM Onlinea we have conducted an executive interview with...
Expand Your Knowledge
Eric Rode has over fifteen years of experience in loss prevention, holding positions at a district and regional level with Sears Holdings, rue21, and...