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Shoplifter in Distinctive Shirt Pleads Guilty

A shoplifter who was spotted in one store in his distinctive shirt has pleaded guilty to three of his charges and has two dismissed Friday.

Police said John Hunt was wearing a blue shirt printed with “I pooped todayā€¯ in one of his shoplifting incidents. However, that charge was dismissed in 30th District Court, as well as a shoplifting charge at a Walmart.

For two other Walmart shoplifting charges and a criminal mischief charge involving theft of electricity at a meter, he received 9 months in state jail.

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Another man police said was a shoplifting accomplice, Kevin LaPointe, has charges pending.

In the theft case that was dismissed against Hunt, police said Hunt had the blue shirt on and distracted target employees while LaPointe shoplifted.

Police posted surveillance photos of both suspects from previous shoplifting cases and a Burkburnett officer recognized them from shoplifting cases there.

In one of the Walmart cases, police said the pair stole two home security systems valued at more than $600, then ran when employees followed them out…Ā  Texomas

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