Qognify is the Loss Prevention Foundation’s (LPF) newest Bachelor Level Partner, allowing Qognify to provide LPQ and LPC certification course scholarships and LPF memberships to LP professionals.

“Our partners are critical to the LPF being able to fulfill our mission of continued education for loss prevention professionals,” said LPF President Terry Sullivan, LPC. “I am thrilled to have Qognify join us as a Bachelor Level Partner, and I look forward to the future and what we can accomplish together for our industry.”
Christy Bauswell, director of retail at Qognify, adds: “We look forward to the partnership with the Loss Prevention Foundation in the pursuit of excellence in educating the loss prevention industry.”
Qognify said it is excited to work alongside of Loss Prevention Foundation to share retail-specific solutions that protect retailers effectively and efficiently, as well as to further educate industry professionals on new ways to achieve their loss prevention goals throughout their entire omni-channel.
Headquartered in Pearl River, NY, Qognify helps to safeguard the world by providing solutions that mitigate risks, increase security, and optimize operations. Qognify’s comprehensive portfolio contains video management software and enterprise incident management solutions which optimize outcomes in various vertical sectors including retail, logistics, banking, and others.