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Paul Jones Receives LPM Founders’ Award for Excellence in Leadership and Partnerships

The LP Magazine Founders’ Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others who demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession.

The ability to influence change is a product of drive, creativity, and determination, but it also requires a unique ability to create a shared vision that others will understand, respect, support, and pursue. Each of the following recipients reflects that standard of excellence, representing the quality and spirit of leadership that makes a difference in our lives, people, and programs. Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our latest honorees.

“To be a true leader, you need to work hard, listen well, participate in industry initiatives, and develop relationships,” says Paul Jones, director of sales, Easter US, Gatekeeper Systems, and vice chairman of the Loss Prevention Foundation. “But there’s something more. Throughout my career I’ve watched and worked with some of our best LP leaders. I’ve seen the commitment and flexibility—how they interacted with others, assumed responsibility, and shaped our industry. They accepted the challenges no one else wanted, stepping out of their comfort zone to learn new ideas and creative ways of approaching what we do. That’s what it takes to lead. Make it part of your DNA.”

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Paul began his LP career as a store detective. “I started walking the floors at $3.75 an hour and grew from there. As I climbed the ladder, learned new things, and took on new roles, I always understood the value of investing in people. I knew that it was the people who helped and supported me that would make the difference.” This led to top leadership positions with several retail companies and critical roles with organizations supporting retail loss prevention. Since 2007 he has been a board member with The Loss Prevention Foundation, where he currently serves as vice chairman.

For those looking to climb the career ladder, Paul suggests you always look for ways to invest in yourself. “Continue learning and stay informed. Find a mentor and be a sponge. Have a sound mind and steady hand in decision-making, but understand you are only as good as your team. Surround yourself with diverse minds and people. Listen more than you talk and focus on the end result. Be authentic, and remember your word is your bond—keep it. Finally, be willing to give back. Always be willing to help the next generation of leaders. Our industry is special—let’s keep it this way and work well together.”

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