Connecting Retailers to Combat Organized Retail Theft
Loss prevention has traditionally focused on shortage reduction through an emphasis on internal theft, external shoplifting, and operational controls. Resources to prevent these losses...
Expanding LP at Sterling Jewelers in the Sarbanes-Oxley Era
There’s something about starting a twelve-hour workday with an early morning teleconference with your company’s London-based risk committee. For Kevin Valentine, those trans-Atlantic meetings...
Self-Checkout Reaches Critical Mass
David R. Humble got the idea as he stood in a long grocery checkout line in south Florida in 1984. The customer in front of...
The Continuing Evolution of LP in the Grocery Industry
EDITORS NOTE: Kathleen Smith, CFI, is vice president of loss prevention for Safeway where she is responsible for security and loss prevention for over...
Head, Heart, and Hands: Best Buy’s Approach to Distribution Center Loss Prevention
Best Buy’s executive management realized some years ago that the challenges and approaches to loss prevention at our fast-growing chain of retail stores—there are...
Writing a Prescription for Controlling Shrink
EDITORS NOTE: Ernie Deyle is the vice president of lossprevention at CVS/pharmacy. Since joining CVS in 2002, thecompany has undergone dynamic changes in the...
Selling Your Proposal to Senior Executives
“In God we trust. All others bring data.”
In the September/October issue of LossPrevention, we focused on mapping out the process by which we sell a...
Seeking the Gold
As we enter yet another holiday season and with 2006 on the horizon, many retailers are focused on the all-important priority of finishing strong in 2005...
Evaluating the Pros and Cons of Remote Video Monitoring
Video monitoring has been used successfully in retail settings for several years.Video surveillance has enabled significant improvements in customer and associate safety, as well...
Serving Up Security in the Chain Restaurant Industry
EDITORS NOTE: Gene James is director of assetprotection for Jack in the Box, where he is responsiblefor safety and security for nearly 1,600 quick-servicerestaurants...