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Learn it Solutions Receives the 2015 Communicator Award

  The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA) selected The Fundamentals of Loss Prevention online training course by Learn it Solutions to receive a...

Smart Cities Week Currently Underway in Washington, D.C.

Smart Cities Week is currently underway in Washington, D.C. and will continue through Thursday. The first event of its kind in North America, the...

The 2015 ISCPO Conference a Big Success

This past week the second annual International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO) Conference was held at the Fossil Headquarters in Richardson Texas.  Hosting 125...

Retail Security Event Provides an Intimate Setting for Retailer-Vendor Collaboration

“This is more like a business retreat than a conference,” Nancy Largay told the attendees at the Security100Summits Retail event in Scottsdale, Arizona. Largay...

Diversity in Action

The retail industry is built around diverse products, services, cultures, and customers as we continue to look for ways to meet the complex needs...

Difficult Choices on Gun Control

Walmart, the nation’s largest seller of guns and ammunition, announced last week that it would no longer sell high-powered assault-type rifles in its retail...

Checkpoint Systems’ New EAS System Designed for Convenience Stores

Checkpoint Systems, Inc, a global supplier of merchandise availability solutions for the retail industry, recently announced its CLASSIC N10 electronic article surveillance (EAS) solution, which...
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FireKing Announces New Ascent Platform Launch

FireKing Security Group announced today the launch of the Ascent platform of cash management devices.  The launch includes note validating, along with coin and...

LPjobs Reaches Milestone with Over 4000 Jobs Posted in 90 Days

The past several years have carried a wave of economic challenges that have forced individuals and retail businesses alike to assess our spending habits,...

Law Enforcement, Retail LP Professionals Honored at NRF Protect

One of the highlights of the National Retail Federation (NRF) PROTECT conference was recognition of the annual Ring of Excellence inductee, as well as...
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