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New ORCAs in ACTION Initiative Announced by LPM

Exciting initiative designed to further support Organized Retail Crime Associations nationwide

In recognition of the many Organized Retail Crime Associations (ORCAs) across the US, the national impact that these collaborations are having on the fight against organized retail crime (ORC), and in appreciation and support of all their local and regional efforts, LP Magazine is preparing an exciting new series of webinars, podcasts, and virtual conferences to promote and further the mission of these vital organizations.

According to the 2020 National Retail Security Survey, the impact of shrinkage on the retail industry continues to be sizeable, with an increased focus on issues such as organized retail crime. The toll from ORC continues to be a serious problem for retailers, with the average loss topping $700,000 per $1 billion in sales. Over two-thirds of the retail respondents to the survey report that they have seen an increase over the past 12 months, with more than 7 in 10 seeing the need for further federal legislation to combat organized retail crime.

In response to the scope and severity of organized retail crime concerns across the country, there has been an increased effort on the part of retailers and law enforcement agencies to share information regarding organized retail crime at the local, state, and regional levels. Organized retail crime associations have helped provide that vehicle, opening doors to improve legislation, enhance investigations, and build cooperative relationships in the battle against ORC.

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In the weeks and months ahead, we will be publishing a series of recorded webinars and podcasts highlighting the senior leadership, mission, goals, and impact of each of these organizations. Each ORCA offers vital and unique opportunities to combat organized retail crime in communities across the country, and these offerings will be designed to provide a window into the mission and vision of these critically important operations.

In addition, LP Magazine will be hosting an ORCA leadership virtual conference in August, as well as an ORCA technology innovation summit, bringing together solutions that help support ORCA goals and initiatives. With the aim to further encourage the ORCA mission, drive innovation, open new doors of communication, and increase networking opportunities between the ORCAs, these events will provide a venue for new ideas and discussion.

Finally, in October we will host an ORCAs in ACTION conference bringing together retail executives, key members of law enforcement, and local government agencies for a session of thought leadership and networking as part of our ORCA Appreciation Month, where we will help promote membership and highlight the many successes of these various groups.

Stay tuned to LPM for more updates in the days ahead and feel free to reach out to LPM’s Jacque Brittain, LPC at or Kevin McMenimen, LPC at to see how you can get involved and help support this significant initiative.

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