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New LPQ COHORT Review Session Schedule Available Now

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) has announced a new schedule for LPQ Cohort review sessions!

There are three modules in the LPQ Course, and each module has its own scheduled review session. The review sessions are designed to help reinforce the learning material in each module and help prepare candidates for the LPQ exam.

During each hour and fifteen-minute interactive session, the LPF will go through the material for that module and allow attendees to ask questions and network. As an additional bonus, recordings of these sessions will be available for 30 days. So, if you need to step away, you can go back to the session and review it later or again as needed.

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Be sure to complete the course material for each module prior to participating in a Cohort review session.

To register you will need to click on the button below and fill out the webinar registration.

LPQ – Module 1 – April 3 @ 3 ET

Register Here for Module 1

LPQ – Module 2 – May 8 @ 3 ET

LP Solutions

Register Here for Module 2

LPQ – Module 3 – April 24 @ 3 ET

Register Here for Module 3

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