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Ensuring Retail Store Safety with the LPRC

Retailers want employees and shoppers alike to feel secure in their establishments. But violent crime has been surging in recent years. The Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) and University of Florida are therefore collaborating with US retailers to ensure retail store safety and prevent workplace violence.

Read Hayes, Ph.D., CPP, writes in his May-June 2016 Evidence-Based LP column that members of the LPRC Violent Crime Working Group connects monthly to share recent incidents and countermeasure updates. Hayes also shares information on some of the latest VCWG projects. From the column:

“The VCWG has several research and development initiatives underway, including:

Store robbery protection on front-end, cash room, and pharmacy issues for drug stores and other store types.
• Parking lot protection and shaping outside behavior.

These projects include multiple chains working together to discuss incident footage reviews, event data analyses, and locational testing.”

Hayes has other news to share as well. For years, loss prevention executives have also sought a single, comprehensive resource that aggregates all LP and AP research and white papers in a searchable, logical place.

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“The LPRC team has worked hard to bring this industry need to fruition,” says Hayes. “The LPRC Knowledge Center launches in May. As it turns out, LPRC has produced over 250 research briefs and reports over the last fifteen years, and these are combined with video clips and other industry reports to create an amazing LP reference library.”

In addition, the LPRC and University of Florida Innovation Lab 3.0 is making progress and will hopefully improve retail store security through its more than 40 detection and action technologies. Check out “Working Together against Violent Crime” to read the full column. You can also visit the Table of Contents for the May-June 2016 issue or register for a free subscription to the magazine.

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