LPM Magpie Awards: Lisa LaBruno, Excellence in Leadership

The LPM “Magpie” Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others that demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession. Nominate your peers at Excellence[at]LPportal.com.

Lisa LaBruno, Esq., Senior Executive Vice President of Retail Operations and Innovation, Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA)

The retail industry has worked diligently to make sense of the current state of affairs tied to COVID-19. Even those retailers with the best pandemic and crisis/enterprise management plans could never have fully prepared for the chaos and degree of unpredictability that’s followed in the wake of the pandemic.

Being a good leader means having the ability to navigate the uncertainty, provide clarity, communicate, guide, connect, and align, all while providing confidence along the way. That’s been the case with many asset protection leaders over the last several months. However, there’s one that has clearly embodied this for asset protection.

Lisa LaBruno’s ability to connect the industry has been the symbol of leadership. She has gotten AP leaders to collaborate, share insights, solve problems together, pose critical thinking, and provide clarity to the state of affairs we are all facing. Her consistency, urgency, insights, and availability has been nothing short of exceptional. From setting up a cadence of calls multiple times per week, to compiling best-practice models, to asking for insights and connecting people together—her leadership is precisely what was needed in a time like this.

While we’re not through the chaos, we are definitely much further along and always guided by a north star with her leadership and partnership. We couldn’t ask for a bigger advocate for the industry, a better voice of reason, or even a better friend. Thank you for all you do, Lisa—from all of us.

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