LPM Magpie Awards: Caroline Kochman, Excellence in Partnerships

The LPM “Magpie” Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others that demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession. Nominate your peers at Excellence[at]LPportal.com.

Caroline Kochman, Executive Director, National Association for Shoplifting Prevention

“When it comes to building partnerships, I believe integrity, trust, and providing value to others are most important,” said Kochman. “Make an effort to understand others’ needs and perspectives, and then share your expertise to help build on that perspective.”

Since joining the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP) in 1993, Kochman has worked with stakeholders across the country to identify and implement programs to reduce shoplifting, translating research into programs, policies, and practices to help address the problem. Her father, Peter Berlin, was founder of NASP. She was named executive director in 2006.

“Truthfully, it was in my blood,” she said. “While I might not have felt this way as a teenager proofreading my dad’s newsletters, I am grateful for his legacy. My goal has been to look beyond traditional avenues in the court system, offering an added perspective and helping build innovative and complementary solutions around an issue that is fundamentally at the root of all retail crime and theft.”

Kochman believes that working together, speaking with a collective voice, and merging industry resources will reduce overall retail theft and result in sustainable corporate and social impact in communities nationwide. This led to the recent launch of the National Shoplifting Prevention Coalition.

“When building partnerships, always think about the big picture and then frame your part within that picture,” she said. “Surround yourself with people who are open-minded, visionaries, and forward thinkers—those who find it exciting to pioneer new ideas that look beyond the status quo. Finally, don’t compromise your values or beliefs. The way forward comes more easily when connected to an unshakable set of values. Stay true to your mission, even when the going gets tough. This gives you purpose, clarity, the courage of your convictions, and the will to persevere.”

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