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LPM Insider Survey Results: Readers Want More Training to Defuse Violent Situations

Incidents of violence in the retail setting have become an ongoing and consistent problem. Nearly every day there are occurrences that result in violent behavior, often resulting in someone getting hurt.

For example, just last week in the LPM Insider, we reported incidents involving violent situations in the workplace every day. These and other incidents would suggest the ongoing need to enhance efforts to train both retail employees and loss prevention professionals on how to defuse all types of potential violent situations in the workplace.

Last week we asked: should the retail industry do more to support education and training opportunities for retail employees and loss prevention professionals to help defuse all types of potential violent situations in the workplace?

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Survey Results

Our survey participants overwhelmingly believe that the industry should do more to support education and training opportunities to help diffuse all types of potential violent situations in the workplace, with 100 percent agreeing at some level. Seventy-five percent strongly agree that the industry should do more to support education and training opportunities to help diffuse violent situations, 20 percent of respondents stated that they agree, and 5 percent say that they somewhat agree.

Additional Comments

LP Solutions

“Training in how to handle escalating situations as well as how to make sure actions are correct and within the scope of their company guidelines, can improve awareness and safety. Protecting company assets which include the internal and external guests, is a tall order for all.”

“These situations can quickly escalate into violence, immediately or later. This is not the type of matter where you can phone HR for advice – you need to know how to handle it to best protect yourself and others around you.”

“Need more training recognizing body language and non-verbal escalation ques.”

“In my experience, many of the companies I have worked for do a good job of teaching how to diffuse and back out of potentially violent shoplifter apprehensions. I think there is a great need for training in recognizing warning signs with employees at risk for workplace violence or self-harm and how to respond appropriately.”

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“Important topic that needs more attention.”

“Both store management and LP professionals need additional training to improve upon this growing problem. Safety should always be our top priority.”

Do you have any additional thoughts? Let us know what’s on your mind.



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