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LPM Excellence Program Recognizes Curt Crum for Partnerships

Excellence in Partnerships

Curt Crum, CID, Special Services Manager: Evidence, Forensics, and Victim Services; Organized Retail Crime, Boise (ID) Police Department

“I’ve had the great fortune to work in proactive, problem-solving positions most of my career,” said Crum, who also serves as board president for the Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail (CLEAR). “After being selected as the Crime Prevention Unit supervisor in 1990, I started work on the development of our ORC Interdiction Team. Like anything new, it was an uphill battle getting all the necessary stakeholders to buy into the scope of this issue and how people committing ORC crimes relate to every other crime we deal with, from homicide to car theft. After numerous noteworthy cases that led to significant arrests, my commanders gave full support to this program and have continued to support these efforts with resources and manpower.

“I’ve been able to train law enforcement and loss prevention officers all over the country on how our LP/law enforcement partnership was developed and how it currently operates. When building these partnerships, it’s critical to have trust, respect, commitment, and a common goal. Each stakeholder needs to respect the ‘rule book’ that the other must follow. Law enforcement and loss prevention have different mandates, but these partnerships can be mutually beneficial if we respect each other and work together. This was a long, slow process. But like any relationship, building a solid foundation has proven itself time and again.”

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Nominations Are Encouraged

The LPM team is privileged to have a front-row seat to the very best in the loss prevention industry, providing a unique opportunity to present positive, productive ways to promote loss prevention, build successful and constructive partnerships, educate and inform the LP community, and support the thought leadership that drives us forward.

The LP Magazine “Magpie” Awards are a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others that demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession. Curt Crum is among our November–December 2017 recipients.

We want this to be your program. Those of you working as LP practitioners witness these exceptional performances on a regular and ongoing basis, and we strongly encourage you to provide us with nominees for each of the award categories. We encourage creative nominations and want the program to cast a positive light on the many tremendous contributions of the loss prevention community. Nominations can be submitted via email to excellence (at) LPportal (dot) com.

Find out who else has been recognized in the November–December 2017 issue – check out “LPM “Magpie” Awards: Applauding Excellence.”

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