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LPM Excellence Program Recognizes Bob MacLea for Community Service

The LPM team is privileged to have a front-row seat as observers of the loss prevention industry. One aspect of our role is to find ways to celebrate the positive contributions of the loss prevention and asset protection community. As a result, we are proud to launch the LPM Excellence recognition initiative. Rather than a once-a-year recognition program, we decided to establish a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others who demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession. Bob MacLea is among our inaugural recipients.

Excellence in Community Service

Robert “Bob” MacLea, Senior Vice President, Director of Loss Prevention at TJX Companies (Retired)

Throughout his 41 years at TJX Companies, MacLea served as a mentor for leaders at every level across the entire loss prevention community. He has always believed you must be involved with both your community and your profession, and he has lived up to that belief. Over the years MacLea has also given of himself to philanthropy, supporting many charitable initiatives such as the Youth Business Institute, Minority Suppliers, the NAACP, Lazarus House, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. His innovation, compassion, and drive for excellence has raised the bar for loss prevention as an industry, providing a stellar example for all of us to follow.

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LPM Excellence Nominations Are Encouraged

We want this to be your program. You witness these exceptional performances at all levels of the organization on a regular  basis. We ask you to provide us with nominees for each of the award categories. We encourage creative nominations and want the program to cast a positive light on the many tremendous contributions that all too often go unrecognized in the greater loss prevention community. Nominations can be submitted via email to excellence (at) LPportal (dot) com.

Find out who else has been recognized in the January-February 2017 issue – check out “Recognizing the Best in Loss Prevention.”

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