LPF and IAI Announce Strategic Partnership

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) and the International Association of Interviewers (IAI) have joined forces to create a strategic partnership to strengthen continued education for the Loss Prevention/Asset Protection profession. This new partnership will ultimately benefit LPF and IAI by offering additional opportunities for Continuing Education Units (CEUs), networking events, webinars, training days, and more.

The Loss Prevention Foundation, founded in 2006, is the only 501 (c) 6 not-for-profit organization dedicated to the retail loss prevention and asset protection industry. The LPFs mission is to advance the loss prevention profession by providing relevant, convenient, and challenging educational resources. This is accomplished through the administration of the industry’s only internationally sanctioned certifications: LPQualified (LPQ) and LPCertified (LPC).

The International Association of Interviewers (IAI) is the only association specifically for Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI) and ACFI designees as well as all those dedicated to the art of interviewing and interrogation. The IAI mission is to provide educational, business, and networking opportunities to interviewers from all disciplines through valuable resources such as instructive events, useful web content, including the Rationalization Matrix and Interviewing Video Tips, exclusive webinars, and much more.

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“We are very excited about this new opportunity with IAI,” stated Terry Sullivan, LPC, President of the LPF. “This partnership will allow the LPF and IAI to offer new opportunities for all loss prevention industry professionals and will be a win-win for both organizations.”

Wayne Hoover, CFI, Executive Director of IAI says, “IAI and LPF is a perfect example of what a partnership should be. The ability to work together to provide our members further options to continue their education makes a valuable relationship for all involved.”

In celebration of the new partnership, the LPF and IAI are offering reciprocal discounts on the LPCertified (LPC) and Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI) courses. Individuals who have their CFI can receive 20% off the LPC course and individuals who have their LPC can receive 20% off the CFI course.

For more information on the LPF & IAI, please visit:

LPF Logowww.losspreventionfoundation.org





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