Loss Prevention Foundation Announces New Board Members

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) has selected new board members to assist in governing and providing strategic direction for the Foundation. Vector Security Networks President Dave Fisher and Big Lots Stores Vice President of Asset Protection and Safety Robert LaCommare have accepted their nominations, and have been approved by the LPF board.

In order for a new board member to be approved, they must demonstrate their support for industry-specific loss prevention certification, and have a passion for improving the perception of the loss prevention industry.

“We are very excited to have Dave and Robert join the Loss Prevention Foundation board of directors,” said Terry Sullivan, LPC, president of LPF. “The LPF continues to strive for a broad range of industry perspectives from those that are on our board so that we can serve the LP/AP industry in an informed and comprehensive manner. Dave and Robert have shown their commitment to improving the loss prevention/ asset protection industry through supporting the LPF’s educational initiatives and both currently hold the LPCertified designation (LPC).”

Find the full list of LPF board members here.

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