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Understanding How to Present the Offer When Filling Our Loss Prevention Job Openings

Once we have taken all of the steps necessary to determine that we have found the best possible candidates to fill our loss prevention job openings, we then must go through the process of presenting the offer. This is a critical time in the search process, and one that must be approached with appropriate care, preparation, and professionalism.

Regardless of the specific circumstances, every job offer should be understood as a negotiation. Both the company and the candidate are involved in the decision-making process, and must weigh all of the different factors that go into making the partnership successful. This is not simply an exercise in presenting a candidate with a monetary offer and receiving an answer, and it is important to understand the various steps that are involved in order to come to a successful conclusion.

Who is presenting the offer? This can be handled in different ways depending on the particular company. Human resources may present the offer. A third-party recruiter may be responsible for presenting the offer. It may be you as the hiring manager, or it may be someone else. Understanding your role at this critical juncture can make an important difference. Know your role, how and when you will be involved, and what steps you can take to help secure the candidate.

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Understand all of the different elements of the offer package. In most circumstances, the offer does not just involve a salary. There may be a bonus or a company vehicle which provide additional value. There will often be a benefits package to include health insurance, life insurance, retirement options (such as 401K), stock options, vacation benefits, and other options. Each of these factors holds value and may be important when presenting the complete offer package.

Own your role in the process. Regardless of whether you are responsible for making the actual offer or supporting the process once the offer is made, it is important to own your role in the process, whether that entails presenting the offer, helping to close the hiring and securing the candidate, supporting the company’s decisions, and your role in managing the process itself. This will not only come into play as we attempt to secure the candidate, but can set the tone for the entire relationship moving forward. Take responsibility and actively participate within the framework of this role and help make the process a positive and productive experience for everyone involved.

Expect Questions. When making potentially life-changing decisions, most will want to have as much information as possible in order to make the best decision for their career, themselves, and their family. Respect the candidate’s need for information and attempt to anticipate the types of questions that the candidate may have. If you don’t know what the answer is to a particular question, take the time and make the effort to find out what that answer may be. Don’t “guess” at what the correct answer might be, or expect the candidate to make a decision of this magnitude without gathering the information that they need.

Help your candidate make an informed decision. A new job is a time of change—and potential stress—for the candidate. Being organized and prepared, showing the ability to answer questions quickly and completely, and making the extra effort to make the candidate feel important and wanted will go a long way towards a successful closure and a smooth transition. If the candidate has questions, do your part to find the answers. If you don’t know the answer to a question, take the steps to find out—and then follow up. Assure the candidate that they are making the right decision by providing them the information they need to move forward and join your team.

Show energy and enthusiasm throughout the offer process. Get the candidate excited about joining your team and making a contribution. The best candidates not only want to feel valued, they want to know that they can make a difference. They want to know that their efforts can lead to something more, for them as well as the company. Give them every reason to believe that they’re making the best possible choice.

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Have patience. It is very common for candidates to want to take the time to review the offer and to discuss the details with their families, mentors, and/or significant others. Most candidates consider a job change as a family decision, as these choices will often impact the entire family. Support on the home front is often critical to job satisfaction and employee productivity. While reasonable time limits should be provided, respect the process and allow the candidate the opportunity to make the right choice.

Understanding all of the steps when filling our loss prevention job openings will help us successfully fill our positions and lead to a stronger and more productive department. This is not only essential for securing our potential team members, it is critical to our own professional development as well.

For more tips on the hiring process and how to hire the most talented professionals, read the LP Magazine article “Learning to Hire Talent is Key to a Successful Loss Prevention Career.”

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