Okay, yes, the headline is a bit of an overstatement, but at least I have your attention. This second special edition of Loss Prevention Magazine is focused on a topic that we believe is critical to the success of loss prevention and asset protection teams.
First a definition. Merriam-Webster dictionary simply defines “innovation” as 1: a new idea, method, or device; 2: the introduction of something new. I really like their definition of “innovate” as 1: to make changes; do something in a new way.
A lot of people think specifically of new technology when they talk about innovation, which, of course, certainly can fit the definitions. However, it all starts with someone looking at a situation that needs to change or be improved and coming up with “a new idea, method, or device” to “do something in a new way.” That may include implementation of new technology or using old technology in a new way, but as Jacque Brittain wrote in his feature article: “Before innovation can become a solution, it must be an attitude.”
Many of you have been innovating for years, which can be seen in your professional career and the success you’ve realized in the results achieved by your organization. For whatever reason, you’ve come to the table with an attitude that examines even successful programs to determine what can be done differently or better to add to that success. As Jacque wrote in his headline, “Innovation is a leadership imperative.”
This special edition examines innovation on many levels:
- LPAP leadership
- Partnership with solution providers
- Changing attitudes toward specific technologies, specifically body-worn cameras
- Research to address specific challenges
- Promoting collaboration between multiple solution providers
- “Forced” innovation that becomes a new normal
Many of you contributed to our content, for which we are extremely grateful. Forty LPAP leaders answered our survey on innovation with extremely insightful comments. We’ve included several leaders’ quotes at the end of each article. Four of the magazine vendor advisory members offered their input on the role of vendor partners. Others of you have been quoted in several of our articles.
This special edition is not meant to be a dissertation on innovation. There is much more we could have discussed. Our hope is that this publication will stimulate new conversations inside your organization and between you, your peers, and your solution partners. Please share it. If you need additional copies, let us know, and we’ll send you however many you need. Direct your requests to editor@lpportal.com with the subject line “Innovation Special Edition.” You can also download a free PDF version of the magazine.
Let us know what you think about this as well as our earlier special edition on organized retail crime. We hope you have enjoyed both. Let us know what other topics you would like us to consider for future special editions as we continue to explore this format.