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Join Us at the 2023 Annual GROC Retail Crime Conference

This year the Georgia Retailers Organized Crime Alliance (GROC) is celebrating their 13th annual conference on Wednesday, August 2 at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Once again, there will be a fantastic speaker lineup, a great group of supportive partners, and the best law enforcement and retail partners.

With the mission to provide guidance, education, professional networking, legislative initiatives and community outreach, GROC is composed of a powerful group of loss prevention corporate and field leaders along with key law enforcement partners that have helped shape state legislation, cultivated strong partnerships, and have donated their time, efforts and event proceeds back to the communities most impacted by organized retail crime in the state of Georgia.

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Watch the ORCAs in Action Webcast to learn more about the Georgia Retailers Organized Crime Alliance.

Since its inception, GROC membership has continued to grow and currently includes over 600 law enforcement and retail loss prevention professionals from major retailers, specialty chains, and law enforcement jurisdictions in the state of Georgia and the surrounding region. As a result of the intelligence sharing and monthly forums, there have been many success stories, including multi- jurisdiction arrests and elimination of ORC groups, with the majority of those successes originating with simple information sharing between retailers and our law enforcement partners.

The annual conference typically brings together 400-500 law enforcement and retail loss prevention professionals for a full day of networking, education, and partnership building. As part of the event, tens of thousands of dollars have also been donated to nonprofit organizations such as the Police Athletic League of Atlanta, Care for Cops, and Community Teen Coalition. GROC also partner with the Criminal Justice Department of Kennesaw State University to provide scholarships to students interested in a career in retail loss prevention. GROC also holds various ORC training’s for law enforcement jurisdictions and leads “Road Shows”, where retailers and law enforcement partners hold meetings to discuss ORC impacts and partnerships outside metro Atlanta.

Conference registration includes access to all sessions, exhibit hall, lunch, and beverage breaks.

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