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Generational Differences on a Loss Prevention Team

The face of loss prevention has changed a lot since LP Magazine’s inception in 2001. What was once a male-dominated industry has slowly but surely begun to transform into a field with a more equal balance of men and women. What’s more, the older generations of existing leadership have now begun to cede their wisdom and expertise to a millennial workforce.

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In a Diversity in LP column in the September-October 2016 issue of LP Magazine, the topic of an intergenerational loss prevention team is tackled with enthusiasm by Mimi Welch, who was a contributing writer in the very early days of the magazine–and who agreed to contribute once more in honor of the 15th anniversary. Welch is aided by her colleague Nicole Rogers, cofounder of GenIN Solutions, who shares her valuable perspective as a millennial executive. Rogers writes:

“When your mom told you to wear a helmet while riding your bike when you were a kid, it’s not because she didn’t have faith that you could ride. She knew the risks, and she knew the odds from life experience. Perhaps she, herself, had fallen off and gotten hurt in her past. You saw nothing but potential—how fun it was going to be soaring down that hill with the wind in your hair. She saw the realities of the world—that falling off and hitting your head isn’t fun for anyone. And often, the risk has nothing to do with you, but the danger resides with the careless car driver not on the lookout for you.

I find myself like a kid with a bike quite often in the corporate world. I see what things could be and don’t always understand the risks and challenges that have shaped the way things are. I sometimes assume policies, advice, even feedback passed down from older generations is antiquated concern, obsolete in today’s world. And perhaps a small portion of it is, but the vast majority it is valuable life and business experience being served to me on a silver platter.”

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Check out “Infusing Wisdom into Potential” to read the full column. You can also visit the Table of Contents for the September-October 2016 issue or register for a free subscription to the magazine.

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