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Fighting Loss Prevention during Uncertain Times

Jeff Clark
Jeff Clark

When the New Year rang in on January 1, 2020, none of us could have predicted what the year was about to bring. After a few seemingly ordinary months, our lives began to change in ways that we could never have imagined. As we began to learn more about the novel coronavirus and the shift to closing down a global economy, all of our plans and goals for 2020 commenced to shut down as well.

As we met internally, we wondered how our real-time GPS solutions might be affected as global economies were coming to a halt. It was only a few days into that first week of shutting down that we quickly understood the increase of theft we would witness in all levels and areas of the supply chain.

Within those first two weeks, we experienced a dramatic increase in our business focused on loss prevention. The largest increase in our fight against theft focused on internal investigations and e-commerce. Over the last several years, we have been involved in countless arrests using various real-time GPS devices fighting porch piracy and organized retail crime. The difference we encountered was a combination of internal, supply chain, and e-commerce investigations being linked together and through different LP roles within an organization.

Utilizing our family of devices, our team was able to match the right devices with the task at hand. In many instances, this included more than one type of device based upon the scope of the investigation. Although we have positioned different devices to meet the demands of each task, we have a few common denominators: real-time GPS, our RouteWatch SaaS, and LELiveLink.

Customers utilize our real-time GPS devices with confidence, understanding the power of accuracy and security of the data. Whether using a Disposable GD100, a reusable covert device, or our extended battery, SmartBox Users appreciate the reliability of our entire real-time GPS family. This data, combined with the accuracy of our devices, is demanded and, in many instances, determines the ability to gain a search warrant or not. Regarding data security, how is your data managed? Is this question part of your GPS program?

RouteWatch users manage assets based on their roles and what they need to know. Monitoring centers utilize our Tiles feature within their Security Operations Center, while other LP operations utilize the real-time tracking to monitor assets moving around the world. Regardless of the role and responsibility of each LP member, all manage their assets using our event-based communications. Additionally, many customers choose to utilize our 7P monitoring center, where we provide 24/7 event-based monitoring and law enforcement escalation globally.

Whether 7PSolutions is providing 24/7 monitoring or the customer is doing it themselves, law enforcement escalation can be accomplished in seconds once a possible theft has occurred. This is accomplished through our LELiveLink, which allows the user to share the device’s real-time tracking with law enforcement and others who may then see the live tracking on their laptops, smartphones, or tablets.

RouteWatch, TEMS, and LELiveLink have been important tools for our customers for over ten years. When 7PS entered the market, our expectation of what should be provided as a tool for real-time supply chain visibility raised the standards of our industry globally—from factory to end customer, whether sitting in a truck, on a store shelf, or carton on a front porch. We continue to educate customers on what you should expect, not what is necessarily being sold in the market. COVID-19 will come and go, and your strategies will continue to change as well. 7P will continue to provide solutions today while continuing to develop for the future.

Let us know how we may allow you to see your supply chain at a glance.

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