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Evaluating Counter Offers during a Loss Prevention Career Search

As each of us takes the necessary steps to manage our own loss prevention career, there are many factors that weigh on the decision to follow our current career path, or make a change that alters our future and takes us in a different direction. Whether changing companies or simply taking on a job or a role that carries different responsibilities, we realize that these choices can have a lasting impact on our personal lives as well as our loss prevention career, and no such decision should be taken lightly. Even when we know that we are making a strong decision, we can still face the stress and anxiety that comes with change.

This holds true for every candidate as they consider a transition between jobs. During these critical moments of potential change, everyone faces moments of anxiety as they ponder the outcome of a new and different role:

  • Am I making the right decision?
  • Will I be successful in my new role?
  • How will I fit in with my new team?
  • How difficult will it be to make the transition?
  • Do I really want to leave the role I’m currently in?
  • Will I regret my decision six months from now?
  • How will my new role impact my family and personal life?

This is a very common response, and one that we all face during the job search. At least at some level, change can be intimidating. It may be exciting. It may put us in a better financial and/or professional position. It may be the best possible move. But for those that claim that it doesn’t spike a certain level of anxiety, they’re either a fool—or lying to themselves. It’s simply human nature.

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But we’ve made our decision. We’ve considered the position, the compensation, and the responsibilities. We’ve considered how it will enhance our loss prevention career. We’ve discussed it with our family, and feel confident that it is the right choice. We like everything that we’ve heard, and we accept the position. We’ve made the decision to resign from our current company and start our new job effective in two weeks.

The Counter Offer

During such transitions we must also consider that the company where we’re currently employed likely doesn’t want to lose their top talent, and may very well take steps to try to keep you as part of the team. They will want to protect their investment. They will want to maintain current performance and productivity. They will often have succession plans in place that serve the long-term objectives of the department and the organization. Companies will fight to keep their top talent, and as a result, counter offers will often follow.

Counter offers can come in several different forms, to include:

  • Your current employer may offer you a raise or other financial benefit
  • Your current employer may offer you a promotion
  • You may be offered a different role, responsibility, or position that you find appealing
  • You may be told of future plans that will benefit your loss prevention career in some way
  • You may be lured with the promise of any of these benefits in the future
  • Leadership may appeal to your commitment, loyalty, or security
  • Leadership may invoke doubt, uncertainty, or insecurity in the new role or company

Every candidate should anticipate that this may come at some point during the transition period, either when the resignation is made, or at some point prior to leaving your current employer.

What’s the Right Response?

Every candidate must decide for themselves how to respond to a counter offer. It can be very flattering to hear that your current employer wants to keep you on as part of their team. It may be difficult to turn down a leader or mentor you respect. It may also be frustrating to here these comments or these offers only after you’ve made the decision to leave. But regardless of your emotional response to the situation, the most important question you must ask yourself is, “Why did you make the decision to accept the new position in the first place?

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  • Was it simply about money?
  • Was it because of the new role?
  • Was it the company?
  • Was it the people?
  • Was it because the new opportunity offered you a chance to learn and grow?
  • Was it some other reason?
  • Was it for the right reasons?
  • Have those reasons changed?

If you’ve made a decision of this magnitude that will ultimately influence the course of your loss prevention career, chances are you already know what the right decision will be for you. Whatever decision you make, be patient and respectful with everyone involved. Stay confident, controlled, and enthusiastic. Don’t allow emotions to interfere with your choices. When our careers are at a crossroad, we want to make sure we are making the right decision. Make an informed decision, make an intelligent decision, and make it for the right reasons.

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