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Editor’s Letter: Stay the Course

As I thought about ideas for my editor’s letter for this print issue, a variety of topics weighing on retailers around the country crossed my mind. Should I write about ORC, disaster preparedness, self-checkout, staying current on training, or any of a multitude of topics? How to pick one? Should I focus only on what we’ve featured in this issue? As I tried my best to determine where to put my attention, I felt so much empathy for LP practitioners. If I’m having a hard time just picking something to write about—how hard must it be for LP professionals to decide where they should put their energy? Demands are increasing, but the hours available each day are not. How can you possibly do it all?

Then a shooting happened.

There’s nothing like an act of violence on the national level to bring things into perspective.

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In these crazy times when the world seems upside down, now, more than ever, we need people like you, those in retail loss prevention, to stay the course and do what needs to be done. We need dependable people, we need consistency. The public needs to feel like they can walk into their local drugstore and have someone there to fill their prescription—like always. John Q. Public needs to find that the shelves in the grocery store are stocked, and he can function and shop for his family in a state of near normalcy. Store employees need to know that they can pick up the phone and someone in LP will answer. We need everyone in LP to keep the stores open and running, as retail plays a significant role in our society as a hub of commerce.

You may have noticed that when things go haywire, the first department your company turns to is LP. There’s a reason for that—you come through in a pinch. Your company needs you to be the rock at the foundation, keeping the rest of the business anchored.

The recent political climate reminded me that everything can change on a dime, but there must be those who are willing to stay the course. My colleague and friend Jacque Brittain wrote a bookend to this letter at the end of this print issue in his “Wrapping Up” column. In another way, Jac has mirrored my sentiments: don’t be distracted by the opinions and climate around you. You doing your job is way too important. My hope is that one of the other articles in this issue, a past issue, or our digital content will help you take a breath and refocus on what’s important.

So as you juggle and struggle over the next few months, know your hard work and efforts are noticed and appreciated—we see you. Don’t be dismayed; stay on course.

You are vital.

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