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Duo Set Fires in Store’s Restroom to Distract from Shoplifting

The Austin Fire Department (AFD) is searching for two suspects they say intentionally set fires inside a Walmart restroom in North Austin to distract people from their shoplifting.

AFD responded to the Walmart in the 12900 block of North I-35 on Friday for two fires that had been set in the women’s restroom. AFD says two suspects, a man and a woman, were seen stashing items around the store and are believed to have set the fires as a distraction so they could shoplift the items.

The suspects are described as a white or Hispanic male wearing a burnt orange sleve-less shirt and white or khaki shorts, and a white or Hispanic female with blue hair wearing a black baseball hat with “100” written on it, white tank top, jeans and red Converse-style shoes. AFD also released a description of the suspects’ vehicle, a maroon… Fox7 News

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