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CONTROLTEK Unveils New RF EAS System for Retailers

CONTROLTEK has added a new RF system to its CT360 line of agnostic EAS solutions. The new RF system, SRF, offers high-performing tag detection in a sleek yet durable design.

Tom Meehan
Tom Meehan

“After the overwhelming response we received from retailers seeing positive results with our SAM-AM systems, we saw the opportunity to also support retailers who use RF technology,” said Tom Meehan, CFI, chief strategy officer and chief information security officer at CONTROLTEK. “With SRF, we focused on high-quality from the inside out. Beginning with high-performing software that can be customized to meet a retailer’s unique asset protection needs, including the option to upgrade to RFID to future-proof their operations, to the hardware that creates a streamlined aesthetic which will stand the test of time in a fast-paced retail environment.”

Rubin Press
Rubin Press

“We understand the budget challenges in retail, with many retailers resorting to repurposed solutions. It was important to us that we develop a solution that not only performs well, but one that can be delivered at a scalable cost,” said Rubin Press, vice president of global sales at CONTROLTEK. “We are proud that we can support retailers with an outstanding solution that aligns with their budget and long-term business goals and is backed with the added assurance of a warranty that is best in the industry. This allows retailers peace of mind and freedom to focus on what is most important to them, serving their customers.”

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More information about SRF can be obtained from the company’s website. To learn more about SRF and CONTROLTEK’s other retail loss prevention solutions, contact a CONTROLTEK sales representative at

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