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CKE Restaurants Holdings’ New Director of AP Shares His Journey

Paul Jones, LPC, is a 25-year retail veteran and an original member of LP Magazine‘s editorial board. Throughout his career, Jones has held a range of leadership positions in the industry, both in the retail side and solution provider side of loss prevention. He has recently been named as the new director of asset protection and risk management at CKE Restaurants Holdings, which is comprised of two brands in the quick-service restaurant category (Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s).

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Jones’ industry longevity and varied professional experiences have given him a singular perspective on the evolution of retail security. Executive Editor Jim Lee, LPC, recently spoke with Jones about his professional journey in a feature article for the July–August 2018 issue of the magazine. In the interview, Jones shares his thoughts on everything from new technology solutions to risk management responsibilities and more. From the article:

EDITOR: Over the next twelve to eighteen months, how will you measure your success?

JONES: I think from the asset protection side, it will be, has this smaller team performed at the level of the past team or above? Have we reduced losses to the company? Have we been true business partners, and have we helped the field organization make their restaurants more profitable?

On the risk management side, it will be, what is the cost of risk and have we reduced it? A lot of that will be helped by our broker, Marsh, who has several QSR restaurants in their portfolio, who can help us answer, what is the total cost of an accident for worker’s comp and slips, trips, and falls? And are we at or above that? We’re starting to put quarterly measurements into place now to try to find that out because we haven’t done that historically here. Our quarterly metrics will tell us, for this same store subset, are we better or worse per total cost, per accidents per 100,000 employees, and how long has a claim stayed open? We are very aggressively working with our provider to go after the claims reviews and making decisions quickly on whether we settle or whether we move forward and litigate the claim.

These are new learnings for me. I’ve got to say there are at least a half dozen QSR peers that have taken my calls and helped educate me on their programs. I’m taking the nuggets I get from each of them and working them into the program that we have.

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Read “Reflecting on the Evolution of Retail Security” to reap some of those “nuggets” shared by the new director of AP for CKE Restaurants Holdings for your own practical knowledge.

For more great LP content, visit the Table of Contents for the July–August 2018 issue or register for a FREE print or digital subscription to the magazine. [Note: if you’re already a logged-in subscriber, the previous link will take you to the current issue instead.]

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