More than 850 Wawa convenience stores and gas pumps had malware in payment processors that potentially compromised customers’ credit and debit card numbers, expiration dates, and cardholder names. What can companies do to prevent phishing attacks?
CEOs and corporate boards of directors are recognizing that a greater amount of dynamic risk attaches to cyber security-related matters than to physical security issues. However, survey results do not indicate a diminishing role for physical security. Instead, respondents tended to report a unified security plan.
It’s evident that there is a new battleground for loss prevention. The product exists as bits and bytes, and it won’t be carried out of stores or looted from warehouses. Indeed, the threat is data theft.
The key trends from Genetec’s perspective include artificial intelligence, facial recognition, physical identity management, blockchain, and cybersecurity.
Technology is not here to eliminate us; it’s here to make our jobs and lives easier. Retail will continue to evolve with technology. As retailers, our responsibility is to focus our efforts on improving the customer experience using the new tools at our disposal.
They don’t call it the Big Show for nothing. There were over 40,000 people in attendance from all over the world to talk retail, technology, strategy, and the future at the National Retail Federation (NRF) Big Show hosted in New York City January 12–14. Here are four of the biggest trends that will impact retailers in 2020.
Fraudsters have traditionally approached victims with kindness by friendly and likable scammers to establish trust and sympathy to con money out of unsuspecting individuals. But this methodology is giving way to approaches based on fear and intimidation.
Sensormatic Solutions and Intel Corporation will collaborate to deliver scalable, AI-powered solutions for retailers. Moving forward, Sensormatic’s artificial intelligence portfolio at the edge will...
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.