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Don’t Get Burned by E-gift Card Fraud

It’s the eleventh hour, your loved one’s birthday, graduation or special day is fast approaching and you have yet to buy a gift. There’s...

Will Retailers Push Past Frustration to Jump-Start the Future of Shoplifting Prevention?

The stakes for retailers are immense. Because most misdemeanor crime is petty larceny, they are the principal victims when states raise felony thresholds to reduce incarceration. [Sponsored]

Retail’s Opportunity to Help Reduce Recidivism

Retailers can not only have an impact but also, as the victim of the crime, be the driving force in the effort to address repeat offenses to improve safety throughout the community.

Reduce Employee Theft by Removing Opportunity

Not every solution needs to feed into the crime prevention arms race. An important foundation, say researchers and industry experts, is for retailers to assess whether their basic control policies and procedures might be inadvertently contributing to employee dishonesty.

Integrating Technology and Contract Officer Management

The convenience of today's app-driven world is all around us. Whether we're on the road, ordering a ride or mapping a route, or at work, creating notes, scheduling a meeting, or getting a reminder that we have a meeting, the convenience is there.

Helping the Enterprise, Helping LP

The upheaval in physical retail has had multiple ramifications for loss prevention professionals, but perhaps none more pronounced than its impact on which projects LP should advocate.
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Beyond Safekeeping: How Cash Analytics Will Reshape Retail

Traditionally, cash management systems have focused almost solely on security. While it's certainly a fundamental element—and one no less critical today—enhanced security features have done little to improve or advance the cash management function.

Outsmarting Cyber Criminals

Rhett Asher is the executive vice president and director of retail solutions for Fortalice Solutions. He has over 25 years of leadership experience in...

AI Helps Retailers Root Out Fraud in Online Order Fulfillment

To retail customers on couches—if they were to give it a second thought—virtual shopping might seem magical. With a few mouse clicks or screen touches, they can conjure up just about anything to appear on their doorstep.

Five Tips to Mitigate Retail Physical Security Threats

Most facilities have addressed access control and the securing of main doors, but those should be measures of last resort. There are steps you can take to mitigate the threat before it arrives at your front door.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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