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Intelligence-Led Loss Prevention


The Future of Video in Loss Prevention

Join five LP experts as they share insights and discuss current factors behind shrink and ORC, the evolution of video technology, and the roles both play in the future of loss prevention in this webinar from Sensormatic.

How the Pandemic Changed Consumers’ Food Safety Priorities

As pandemic restrictions ease, the retail world is starting to feel back to normal. But for essential retailers like grocers, there are lingering questions and concerns about what consumers want in terms of health and safety.

Future-forwarding Hypermarkets and Grocery Stores

Retailers have had to adapt quickly across the globe to meet rising demands. It has become a great opportunity to begin digital transformation while simultaneously protecting their businesses from shrink.

The Birth of Intelligence-led Loss Prevention: Q&A With LPRC’s Dr. Read Hayes

With the rise of ORC, Sensormatic Solutions conducted a Q&A with Dr. Read Hayes, research scientist at the University of Florida, and director of the Loss Prevention Research Council.
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The State of RFID in 2022

RFID has been a vital retail technology for almost 20 years, but what started with a simple beep at the exit is now a critical piece of enterprise-wide loss prevention and inventory intelligence strategies.

The IoT of Retail: Using RFID to Bring Down ORC

The digitization of retail is well underway, and RFID has played a key role in optimizing inventory, enabling omnichannel processes, and improving the customer experience.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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