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Sensormatic Solutions Extends Shrink Analyzer Capabilities at NRF

The newly enhanced, cloud-based Shrink Analyzer application can now integrate RFID and EPC data from targeted—and previously unmonitored—store areas to improve visibility and predictions of loss events.

See, Stop, Strategize: Combat ORC with Shrink Analyzer

Sensormatic Solutions' Shrink Analyzer allows you to make sense of your loss event data to reveal never‑before-seen insights into the “who, what, where, and when” behind shrink.
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The Power of Smart Loss Prevention

LP programs have, for some time, focused on addressing different drivers in isolation from one another, with an emphasis on theft above all else. The reality is much more complicated, and that’s where retail analytics systems can help.

Inside Scoop on RFID with Sensormatic | Ep. 84

In this episode of LPM's Inside Scoop Podcast, we hear from RFID experts about future use cases and where retailers are in the journey of adopting the technology.

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