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Retail Crime


LPM Insider Survey: What Is the Greatest Public Misperception of ORC?

Organized retail crime and the dramatic growth of ORC incidents have drawn significant attention both within the loss prevention industry and throughout the retail...

LPM Survey Results: Most report they have been assaulted during apprehension attempts

When shoplifters are faced with the threat of detainment and potential criminal charges, emotions can run high and individuals can be unpredictable. One respondent replied that "Despite using proper guidelines, I have been punched and bitten by shoplifters.”

LPM Insider Survey: Have you ever been assaulted when attempting to detain a shoplifter?

Regardless of our current positions, most of those in loss prevention still have roots as representatives apprehending shoplifters. Has an assault ever happened to you?
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LPM Insider Survey Results: Most Believe LP Did Not Use Excessive Force

Many have taken issue with the video’s depiction of how the loss prevention representative handled the situation, accusing him of being too rough with the juvenile. Others are defending the loss prevention representative’s actions as warranted given the circumstances. See the survey results.

Ready for the Revolution? New Skills, Focus Are Key to Thriving Under New Challenges

Asset protection practitioners need to accept and respond to the sea change taking place in the retail industry to avoid being engulfed by it, suggest AP leaders. Warning signs abound.

LPM Insider Survey: Was Shoplifter Apprehension a Legal Detainment or Excessive Force?

As reported recently in the LPM Insider’s Breaking News, a widely circulated online video has fueled debate over whether a loss prevention associate used excessive...

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