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Retail Crime


Shoplifting Principles to Remember

Whether you are a store manager, assistant manager or a plain clothes store detective you'll want to remember the following shoplifting principles as you...

Analyze, Alert, Act – Chico’s Technology-Based Approach to Attacking Shrink

After over thirty-five years in specialty retail loss prevention, there is not a lot that surprises Leo Doran. The two long-running “themes” of his professional life have...

The U.S. Navy Exchange—Loss Prevention with a Family Touch, Global Reach

Here is a quick quiz—Name a multi-billion-dollar global retailer that is consistently profitable, has had only one owner in 200 years, offers attractive wages and benefits (medical/dental/life...
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“It’s All Cool”—Starting Loss Prevention for a Hot Brand at Oakley Retail Stores

A conversation with Maggie Newton is fast moving, informative, fun, and asymmetric. Upon reflection, this is not surprising, because it seems to mirror what her employer, Oakley, Inc., is...

Mall Security and LP—Communication Is the Watchword

With people's focus drawn to the economy, they are naturally looking around for something to laugh at, and mall security is handy. But security...

Shrinkage Awareness – Communications with an Edge

In a large organization like JCPenney, new hires are immediately given a tidal wave of information on policies, procedures, scheduling, customer service, and register training as...

Through the Eyes of the Guest – Asset Protection at Gordmans

Successful asset protection and store security programs are never “tone deaf.” This means that the most effective programs are shaped, managed, and refined over time to reflect...

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