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Employees Must Prepare for New Types of Credit Card Fraud after EMV Rollout

October 1 marked the credit card industry’s ‘soft deadline’ by which U.S. retailers should have transitioned to Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) chip-enabled card...

Retailers Responsible for Mag Stripe Credit Card Fraud

As of October 1, all U.S. retailers are expected to have the new, more secure chip card payment terminals installed at their checkout counters....
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Post-EMV Deadline, Retailers Bear Responsibility for Magnetic Stripe Credit Card Fraud

  As of October 1, all U.S. retailers are expected to have the new, more secure chip card payment terminals installed at their checkout counters....

Habitual Shoplifters are an International Concern

Shoplifting and other forms of retail theft cost retailers tens of billions of dollars each year. As a result retail leadership has learned to...

eBay Celebrates Twenty Years

Originally called "Auction Web," the site launched with the listing of a broken laser pointer on Labor Day in 1995. Our founder, software programmer...

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