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Organized Retail Crime (ORC)


LPM Excellence Recognizes Jim Carr for Leadership

Carr believes that true leadership requires a dedication beyond the limits of our basic skills and abilities. The capability to be flexible, adaptable, and open-minded heightens our career potential.

What Is a Loss Prevention Manager?

To the average consumer, a loss prevention manager might once have been perceived as a “security guard”: a reactionary presence in a retail establishment whose primary responsibility is to apprehend shoplifters.

How to Protect Your Cargo Logistics Network from Thieves

Retailers often ask, “Why should I care so much about preventing thefts when I don’t own the merchandise until you deliver it?” The answer is because you, the retailer, stand to lose the most.
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How to Manage Inventory: Shrink Visibility

At a time when store margins are under intense competitive pressure, retail shrink can make or break a retailer's bottom line. But retail shrink numbers are vulnerable to blind spots and imprecise metrics.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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