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Organized Retail Crime (ORC)


Interview and Interrogation Training: Investigative Prep Rationalizations (Part 2 of 4)

I want to challenge you to broaden your scope when it comes to rationalizations. Think through different topics and rationalizations that you would be willing to wear in public: things like "exhaustion," or "lack of control."

LPM Excellence Recognizes Steve Longo for Partnerships

"Around the age of ten, I started selling software demo kits alongside my dad," said Longo. "He was a brilliant man, passionately building relationships with innovators in the early days of software development, including (name drop) Bill Gates."

Checkpoint Announces that Boscov’s Will Employ CableLok Retail Security System

Checkpoint Systems recently announced that Boscov’s is employing its CableLok® retail security system to reduce shrink while lifting sales in a number of its...

Loss Prevention Issues Are Law Enforcement Issues

According to a 2017 National Retail Federation survey, organized retail crime (ORC) is on the rise. That's useful information for corporate industry executives, but loss prevention professionals in stores—those who see loss prevention issues like ORC every day—are well aware of the problem.

Welcome to California: Still a Shoplifter’s Paradise?

One piece of good news for California prosecutors is AB1065, a bill that makes it easier to tackle organized retail crime (ORC). As of July 2018, the bill has moved through the legislature but needs a final push in the state senate to make it to the governor's desk.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Investigative Prep Anticipating Denials (Part 1 of 4)

It's amazing how witty we are when it's twenty seconds too late. But when we're in that room and people are uncomfortable, we need to anticipate both emphatic and explanatory denials, handle them properly, and return to rationalization.
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Pulse Nightclub SWAT Team Presentation to Headline Upcoming CLEAR Conference

"This year's conference promises to be our best ever," said Curt Crum, president of the Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail (CLEAR). The national organization's ninth annual training event will take place October 8—11 at the Crown Reef Beach Resort in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Law Enforcement Partnerships with Retailers Can Be a Valuable Resource

Law enforcement partnerships with the retail community can establish a foundation of mutual support. When agencies, retail investigators, and prosecutors make a sincere effort to share information in response to ORC concerns, they are more likely to resolve issues and make arrests that can halt theft operations.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Investigative Prep Series Introduction

In this week’s Wicklander-Zulawski / International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip, Brett Ward, CFI, divisional vice president for client relations and business development for WZ, kicks off a four-part series on the investigatory interview process.

Could a Shoplifting Ring Be Tied to Human Trafficking?

What happens when the criminal behavior of a shoplifting ring is actually connected to something even more ominous than a high shrink rate? What about when it's tied to modern slavery?

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