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Organized Retail Crime (ORC)


A Culture of Tradition and Change: Loss Prevention in Japan

Japan has always had a reputation for its fascinating, distinctive traditions. As an island nation with a long history of isolation, many aspects of the culture are immersed in a rich history and deep traditions dating back thousands of years. On the other hand, it is a country that continuously pushes new trends. The same is true for retail security.

How Has Your World of LP Changed?

We asked a cross-section of LP leaders how work has changed for them during the last year, what they’re spending time on now that didn’t consume the same bandwidth when 2019 was just getting underway. We got a variety of responses.
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Detective Analytics Launches New Crime-Linking Network

Detective Analytics launched an innovative new tool in the fight against ORC with the Detective Analytics Crime Linking Network (DACLN). An artificial intelligence-powered network, the DACLN is an industry-wide organized retail crime linking and alerting network that works without ever sharing any data between retailers.

CLEAR Comes of Age: Ten Years on the Crime Fighting Partnership Hits Its Stride

As the Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail celebrates its tenth anniversary, perhaps an apt metaphor for CLEAR entering its second decade is a child on the precipice of adolescence—still hopeful, not without challenges, and hitting a growth spurt. In just the last year, CLEAR has doubled in size.

Powered by Walmart: Building Continuity among Strong Local Retail Businesses around the World

Jay Mealing is the typical Walmart Cinderella story. He started in the Garden Center as an hourly associate in 1990 at a store in Columbia, South Carolina. Almost 30 years later, he is senior director of global security for Walmart International. Not bad for a country boy from South Carolina. Read his story.

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