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Mid Week with Jim Lee: On the Road Again

After traveling for over 40 years, I've discovered that some places are more special than others to visit. Not just for work, but for the before and after hours. You should always enjoy the city as much as the company you are working for or with.

Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified – August 2018

We are pleased to recognize and congratulate an industry leader who recently obtained their LPC certification. Despite their demanding schedule and having other impressive educational credentials, they still saw the value and took the time to obtain this industry-leading LPC credential.

RLPSA 2018 Conference, Day 2: The Second Half

As we reached the final quarter of this Game Day event, RLPSA brought in the big guns. A real MVP—Emmitt Smith—took the stage to share his insights on personal and team performance with championship vision.

Loss Prevention Issues in Recent Research

Academics who examine crime and security-related issues aren’t always seeking practical solutions, but some recent research studies have pragmatic applications and impart actionable advice on relevant LP issues.
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Item One on a Security Officer Job Description: Effective Communication

A few years ago, at a small company in Portland, OR, an employee who had earlier been placed on psychiatric medical leave arrived at the facility during the overnight shift. Unfortunately, word of the worker's status hadn't been passed on to the security officer on duty...

Store Detective Responsibilities and Characteristics

Two US retail chains participated in an extensive study of how to select individuals most likely to "win" as in-store loss prevention specialists (store detectives or “SDs”). Following are some of the highlights of this study.

Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified – July 2018

We are pleased to recognize and congratulate industry leaders who recently obtained their LPC certification. Despite their demanding schedules, they still saw the value and took the time to obtain this industry-leading credential.

LPM Excellence Recognizes Chris Duke for Community Service

"It's not easy for any of us to balance all of the many priorities that we have in our lives," said Duke. "But once you're engaged in something that you're truly passionate about—something that's in your heart and you truly believe in—you find the time."

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Violence in the Workplace

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