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Finish Line is Winning Big with Big Data

Return fraud and abuse continues to cost retailers billions of dollars every year—$16 billion to be exact. But some retailers like Finish Line, a...

Well Done, Bob

Retirement is a wonderful thing. I've had several of my friends retire over the past several years, including my wife, who retired from Bank...

From Alarm Monitoring to Crisis Management

Civil protest by day became decidedly uncivil by night in Ferguson, Missouri, following the grand jury decision not to indict the police officer involved...
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The Attitude Of Success That Marks The Career Of Melissa Mitchell

EDITORS NOTE: Generic zyban online Melissa Mitchell, CFI, is director of loss prevention at LifeWay Christian Stores. She joined the company in 2001 after...

Tweeting in Orlando

RILA’s Asset Protection Conference was recently convened in Orlando. I sat through all the general sessions and as many breakout sessions as possible. As...

Making a Difference

"Making a difference in someone else's life can be as simple as a smile, lifting a hand to help, or lending an ear to...

The Global Retail Theft Barometer

It probably comes as no surprise that shrink remains a significant operational challenge for retailers around the world. That's one top-line conclusion of the...

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