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LPM Insider’s Top 5 Employee Theft Articles of 2018

Employee lawsuits over bag checks, expanding theft admissions, and the reasons why good investigators fail: these topics were of great interest to LPM Insider readers this year.

Employee Investigations: Does It Pass the Smell Test?

When it comes employee investigations, sometimes the "smell test" will not let you rest. You know, those situations when you listen to a story or a business practice, and something just plain stinks.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Proper Dress for an Interview

In this week’s International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip from the archives, provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, Wayne Hoover, CFI, discusses the way that you should dress for your interview with a dishonest associate.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Best Timing for the Interview

This week’s International Association of Interviewers video tip from the archives, provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, has Chris Norris, CFI, director of WZ Europe and International Training, looking at the best timing for an employee interview.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Assumptive Questions

This week’s International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tips from the archive, provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, feature Wayne Hoover, CFI, looking at the soft accusation assumptive question during an interview.
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Interview and Interrogation Training: Behavioral Norm

In this week’s International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip from the archives, provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, Brett Ward, CFI, divisional vice president of client relations and business development for WZ, asks, “How important is the development of the behavioral norm?”

5 Ways Employees Are Stealing from Your Stores Right Now

Implementing targeted theft-deterrent strategies depends on consistent record-keeping, organization, and pattern recognition. A data-driven incident management process is the only way to keep pace with an extremely adaptable foe.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Risks of Being Too Specific

It's important, when you strategize your introductory statement, that we keep it non-confrontational and general enough to get the optimal way for you to get the most amount of truth from that conversation. Learn more in this week's NEW video tip.

Evaluating Memory: I Remember It This Way

Over the last several months, we have had an opportunity to watch a social and political drama play out as the alleged victim and...

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