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How to Expand Admissions in Employee Theft Cases

It is rare for an associate to be caught the first time they engage in dishonest behavior. When a person is caught the very first time they steal, it is likely they have been involved in a pattern of theft activity elsewhere.
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Interview and Interrogation Training: Rationalizing in the Third Person

This International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, has Dave Thompson, CFI discussing the importance of rationalizing in the third person. When we rationalize with the subject, what we’re doing is we’re allowing them to save face while we’re showing understanding.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Withholding Evidence

This International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, has Dave Thompson, CFI, discussing the importance of withholding key evidence during an interview or interrogation. The term "withholding" really means keeping the information within the investigative resources. By not releasing that information to your subject, it gives you several advantages in the conversation.

Storytelling: Part 1

Why do we use a story when we rationalize? Stories help us put an order to the chaotic patterns and details of our existence.

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