In the highly competitive retail sector, ensuring that the right product is on the right shelf at the right time is critical. Yet the problem of shelf out-of-stocks (OOS) remains as stubborn as ever. Could the LP team be the key to unlocking this new sales opportunity?
There is little consensus on what constitutes “loss” within the retail world nor how it should be measured. The terms “shrinkage” and “shortage” have been loosely applied to encapsulate some of the areas that generate loss, but they are not terms enjoying a clear and agreed-upon definition across the sector.
Throughout my career, I've investigated numerous significant increases in shortage on a multi-store level. In each case, the cause was traced to the distribution process.
The bedrock upon which healthy retailers are built is the supply chain that provides the goods to be sold. A retailer’s competitiveness, then, or lack thereof, is in measurable part a reflection of the extent to which these avenues of supply are cost effective and efficient.
Few things are as frustrating for a loss prevention leader than discovering a bad packaging design they know will promote retail shrink— a feature which could easily have been prevented.
Not every loss prevention tool fits the needs and budget of every retailer. However, a combination of tactics makes an impact and reduces a store's shrinkage.
Solutions to address theft and loss are often led from the retailer side of the partnership, but manufacturers do face responsibilities when it comes to product protection. From manufacturer to retailer, product protection is everyone's job.
In a world where opposites attract, denial of service could be a force for good and put to commercial use, particularly in retail where organized retail crime gangs and opportunist thieves have had a free hand at disrupting legitimate business.
The ECR Community Shrinkage and On-shelf Availability Group had become aware of growing concerns about the losses relating to the sale of grocery store magazines and newspapers in the UK—a category not normally associated with high levels of loss.
In a study presented at a 2017 conference on business innovations, mobile self-checkout solutions were found to provide a more time efficient shopping experience, particularly when stores are crowded.
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.