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CASE STUDY: Offenders Give Feedback on ALTO Alliance Program

The latest methods to address shoplifting are growing more complex in response to the evolving problem of external theft. A recent Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) study examined the ALTO Alliance approach to deterring offenders. The ALTO Alliance strategy uses technology tools to connect retailers with law enforcement and prosecution to provide real-time reporting on crime data and case details. The solution leverages analytics with deterrent marketing and intelligent prosecution in an effort to reduce overall retail theft.

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The LPRC study is the focus of a sponsored article in the October 2018 issue of LPM Online. For the study, the LPRC conducted a series of interviews with past offenders about the impact the ALTO Alliance strategy might have on deterring theft. From the article:

After describing the ALTO Alliance program, the offenders were questioned about how the strategy might impact their decisions to shoplift from participating retail locations.

  • 69% of the offenders indicated the ALTO Alliance solution would impact their decisions to steal from a retailer that belonged to the Alliance.
  • 62% of offenders indicated that the possibility of additional criminal charges would deter them from shoplifting from stores protected by ALTO Alliance.
  • 38% of the offenders interviewed indicated that intelligence sharing between law enforcement and retailers through the ALTO Alliance program would deter them from shoplifting.
  • 70% of the offenders indicated they would tell other offenders about ALTO Alliance.
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Check out the full article, “LPRC Research Study Interviews Retail Theft Offenders about Impact of the ALTO Alliance Program,” to read some actual quotes from offenders on the topic and watch a video clip of LPRC researcher Stephanie Lin as she conducts telling interviews.

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