What crazy times we find ourselves in. We’re facing record layoffs, furloughs, and downsizing for many, while others are overworked, expanding, and cannot hire fast enough. Through it all, there’s one thing for certain—everything around us has changed and will continue to change at a rapid pace. This leaves all of us facing critical questions regarding our positions, our careers, and our personal lives as we attempt to navigate through both what’s happening today, and what comes next.
Whatever the future holds, it’s important that we have a plan; and a good place to start is by getting advice from those with the knowledge and expertise to help point us in the right direction. With more than 75 years of career coaching, mentoring, recruiting and placement, our panel of career counselors are bringing you professional advice and expert guidance to help navigate through these difficult times.
Hear Gene Smith, Jac Brittain, and Chris O’Leary answer questions and give guidance on important considerations and actions you should take to protect yourself and your family. They also recommend additional opportunities and links to resources you may want to take advantage of as well.
Topics will include:
- Crisis and Wellness—Developing your professional and personal plan for your situation
- Broaden Yourself—Now is also a time of opportunity; take advantage where you can
- Practical Information—Resources, networking, resume, and interview advice
- What’s Next—The world has changed and will not be the same, how should you adapt and evolve to be ready for the new reality.

Gene Smith, LPC is currently an advisor for LPjobs.com. Prior to his retirement, he held president positions with the Loss Prevention Foundation and with the nation’s largest executive recruiting firm that specialized in loss prevention and asset protection. He is a former loss prevention executive who has provided career counseling for over 25 years.

Jacque Brittain, LPC is currently editorial director for LP Magazine and serves as director of learning design for LPM Media Group and director of learning design and certification for the Loss Prevention Foundation. He is a former executive with the largest executive recruiting firm serving the LP industry and has provided career counseling for over 25 years.

Chris O’Leary is the founder of Loss Prevention Recruiters, LLC, a trusted partner for talent acquisition in retail loss prevention, asset protection, security, business continuity, and safety. He is a former loss prevention executive who has provided career counseling and advice for the retail security industry for over 25 years.