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Everon Acquires Portland Safe, Inc. Out of Northeast Region

Everon reveals its second acquisition within a month, incorporating Portland Safe, a Maine-based company. This deal broadens Everon's presence into the Northeastern US.

New Law Targeting Retail Theft Goes into Effect in Pennsylvania

State Senator David Argall sponsored the bill in 2023, saying that 54 percent of small business owners across Pennsylvania have seen an increase in shoplifting within the past year.
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NRF Debuts New Center for Retail Sustainability

NRF announced the launch of a new Center for Retail Sustainability, which will serve as the industry’s hub to support retailers’ efforts to generate economic value and more.

LPM Magpie Awards: Howard “Merg” Mergler, Excellence in Partnerships

The LP Magazine “Magpie” Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others who demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession.

The Inside Scoop on RFID with Sensormatic | Ep. 77

In this episode of LPM’s Inside Scoop Podcast, Stefanie Hoover speaks with Sensormatic Solutions North America Sales Leader Jamie Kress about RFID—what’s new, where we’re headed, common misconceptions, and so much more.

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